Tuesday, June 13, 2017

'Fairy Tail' Chapter 539 Spoilers: Acnologia Vs Dragon Slayers In Ravines Of Time

The newest chapter of the "Fairy Tail" magna has just been released. Along with 7 chapters left, there is still much more taking place. Acnologia comes back just when everyone thought the worst was over.

The previous chapter revealed then end of the fight between Natsu and Zeref Lucy and Gray made it possible to save Natsu as well even when Zeref and book of E.N.D. disappeared. Then again, a few moments later, Natsu strangely vanished and it was speculated that he ultimately joined his brother.

Fairy Tail Chapter 539 mentioned that Natsu's disappearance really didn't have anything to do with book of E.N.D. or Zeref. While Lucy and Gray are searching for Natsu, the other side of the fight sees a crack in the sky. Wendy is aware the crack as it gets bigger and Erza finds out that Acnologia is attempting to flee the Ravines of time where they properly lured him into ultimately get rid of him. By the way, if you are interested into cosplay, maybe you want to try make Fairy Tail cosplay and show up in the next anime event as one of the characters from Fairy Tail.

Acnologia ultimately cracks open the sky and comes back to wreak havoc again. While the Fairy Tail guild members are in shock, Acnologia announces that he thinks more powerful. That is when Wendy and Erza noticed further that Acnologia comes with devoured the Ravines of times, which made him more powerful.

Acnologia unleashes a new deadly attack called Eternal Flare onto Erza and company, forcing them to be split up and getting injured despite their attempts to evade the huge blows. Acnologia additionally unveiled that he has become the Dragon of Extinction and began to take the dragon slayers from Fairy tail and Saber Tooth guilds. Wendy, Gajeel, Laxus, Rogue, Sting, and Natsu disappeared into thin air just to arrive in another world.

In conclusion of Fairy Tail Chapter 539 sees the final confront between NAtsu and Acnologia in the Ravines of time, which the latter has called his world. The rest of the dragon slayers haven't been seen but it is expected that a final showdown between Acnologia as the Dragon of Extinction and the dragon slayers will take place. The last 7 chapters will hopefully include fitting battle that involves the strongest main character in the series.

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